James Gray pledges to oppose new solar development

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James Gray, Member of Parliament for North Wiltshire has today pledged to fight tooth and nail against a proposed new solar farm that stretches across some of the most beautiful and untouched countryside in the country. The proposed Lime Down Solar Farm is to stretch from Lower Stanton St Quintin through Hullavington to the peripheries of Luckington and Sherston. The proposed development would cover hundreds of acres of prime arable land with solar panels and involve the construction of a new substation creating a further eyesore for local residents.

“I pledge my total opposition to this outrageous invasion of some of the most lovely and remote of all landscapes in North Wiltshire. This is a disgraceful desecration of some of the finest landscape in my constituency. Wiltshire is already the solar capital of Britain and we do not need any more high quality land lost to the blight of speculative solar developments. Constituents can be certain that I will oppose it lock stock and barrel.”

James has pledged to keep constituents updated as he campaigns against this development.


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