James Gray MP voices his opposition to proposal to house up to 82 asylum seekers in the Wiltshire Hotel

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Following recent notification by the Home Office, North Wiltshire MP James Gray wrote to the Home Secretary to voice his opposition to her Department’s plan to house up to 82 asylum seekers in the Wiltshire Hotel. The site has been made ready to accommodate asylum seekers on a short-term emergency basis in case there is a significant number of arrivals over the Channel in the next few days.In their notification email, the Home Office stated:“This year we face record levels of asylum seekers arriving illegally in small boats. This has placed significant pressure on our accommodation – which we are legally required to provide to asylum seekers who would otherwise be destitute – whilst we consider their claim for international protection.”In his own letter to the Home Secretary, James Gray wrote:“The Wiltshire Hotel is in my view entirely unsuitable as a potential migrant housing site due to its very rural location and because it is primarily used for leisure activities such as golf. If there is any way a better site in a more central location could be found, I would be grateful. In the meantime, please register my strongest possible opposition to this plan.”


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