James Gray MP presses for a review on sentencing for domestic homicides and knife crimes

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On Monday, North Wiltshire MP James Gray asked the Minister for Crime and Policing during Oral Questions for the Home Office what discussions he has had with the Ministry of Justice to review sentencing for perpetrators of domestic homicides and knife crimes.Before the debate, Mr Gray said:“Residents of North Wiltshire will remember the horrific murder of Calne native Ellie Gould, who tragically died in her home following a vicious knife attack by her then boyfriend. In the years since her murder, the Gould family and I have been campaigning to strengthen sentencing for crimes like these. I am pleased to say that we are seeing some results to this important work via the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, however, more needs to be done.”In the House of Commons Chamber, Mr Gray added:“Deterrence is more important than almost anything else, and the Minister knows well of the tragic case in my constituency of Ellie Gould, who was murdered by a knife-wielding boyfriend. People there are rightly of the view that we must find ways of improving and increasing the sentences for knife murder if we can. So what discussions has he had with his colleagues in the Ministry of Justice, who are currently looking at guidelines for sentencing? When can we expect the results of that consultation to come out?”​The Minister for Crime and Policing, Tom Pursglove MP, replied that:“I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his question. We do have Ministers who are joint between the Home Office and the MOJ, which means that we have been able to look at some of these issues in the round. What I hope can give him some reassurance is the fact that, through serious violence reduction orders, which we are introducing through the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, we are seeing a greater likelihood of people being caught, of being before the court and of receiving a custodial sentence. I think the whole House can welcome that.”


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