James Gray MP Backs British Polar Research

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North Wiltshire MP and Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Polar Regions, James Gray, praised both the British research vessel the RSS Sir David Attenborough and the work of the British Antarctic Survey in both Polar Regions.

During Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy yesterday, Mr Gray asked the Minister:

“Does the Minister agree that she (RSS Sir David Attenborough) is the epitome of all that is best about British science, and that the British Antarctic Survey, through its work in both the Antarctic and the Arctic, leads the world in research on climate change in particular, and in so many other areas of science?”

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Science, Research and Innovation, George Freeman, firmly agreed with the Mr Gray, stating

“My hon. Friend is right, and he is also a powerful envoy for the Government in terms of our polar science. The royal research ship Sir David Attenborough is something of which all of us in the House can be proud. It is an incredible platform, and it embodies the very best of British leadership in science and innovation, with international scientists working on global challenges.”

The North Wiltshire MP set up the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Polar Regions in 2015 and has since been a powerful advocate for the better education of parliamentarians about the scientific importance of these areas and the devastating effect of climate change upon them.


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